Continuing Competency Program


The Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is designed to support professional development and commitment to lifelong learning and excellence. 


The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) defines continuing competence as:

The ongoing ability of a nurse to integrate and apply the knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes required to practise safely and ethically in a designated role and setting.  Maintaining this ongoing ability involves a continual process linking the code of ethics, standards of practice and life-long learning. The registered nurse [and nurse practitioner] reflects on his/her practice on an ongoing basis and takes action continually to improve that practice. (A National Framework for Continuing Competence Process for Registered Nurses: CNA: September 2000)


The Continuing Competence Process is mandatory for all nurses holding a practising license or temporary permit with the YRNA.

You are required to complete YRNA's CCP at each renewal through your online portal. For reference, please review the information and instructions contained within YRNA's CCP Booklet for RNs and CCP Booklet for NPs and begin the self-assessment and goal setting process.

Registrants must complete the annual Continuing Competency Program submissions for the past year along with their registration/license renewal application and annual fee payment on or before 1st March of each registration year. 


Professional growth requires self-assessment and recognition of both strengths and areas for improvement. Each Standard has indicators for practice. Using the rating key provided, rate your practice related to each indicator. As you rate your practice, identify a strength and learning opportunity related each standard of practice. You will not be judged or criticized for identifying areas where you need to learn more or develop skills.


If you are one of the members randomly selected for audit in a given year, you will be notified of an audit in January. You may want to remove personal additions to your portfolio. Retain records for three years, as the audit committee may request up to three years of documentation for review.

After the end of the licensing period, documents submitted for audit will be reviewed by a peer audit committee. If you are audited, you will receive feedback prior to June as to whether your documentation is complete and whether you have demonstrated effective use of the process. The committee will be particularly looking for evidence that you have not just engaged in education, but actually applied learning to your practice.